
U'myrra Ndai ♥ Thyspace.com

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U'myrra Ndai ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ (👤) Online Now!

♥about me!!♥
mama is a seeker
poppa is a keeper
trained in thaumaturgy
studying arcanima!!

U'myrra's Latest Post:
the last few moons have been a fuckin' dream, i swear 💕😴

thx for visiting my page!!

be sure to send me a friend request and ill defo add u 😘

Likes the twelve, pink, black, balance, the sultana, jewels, shiny things, sun, moon, my moms drake, my moms grilled angler, Galen, funeral rites

Dislikes thieves, liars, brass blades, monetarists, skeptics, bummers, lack of basic manners

if you saw me working at the gold saucer as a magician, no you didnt.

💝The Besties💝


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⚖️ U'myrra is dedicated to the Twelve, but Nald'thal is the deity she grew up to love the most. She is always up to discussing and debating theology.☀️ U'myrra's mother hails from the U' Tribe in Forgotten Springs, while the Ndai-Nbolo's live in Ul'dah, they do visit them every Summer. Perhaps you are one of her many 'cousins' or 'aunties'?🌙 U'myrra's father hails from Gridania, many Spring trips to there to see her Grandmatron has taught her how to make jewelry and charms. The girl is always glad to show off the many trinkets and bracelets she wears.🌟 U'myrra has a mixed culture family, having been passed down the traditions of both Keeper and Seeker clans. Due to this, she has an embarrassingly long name, pester her enough and she might tell you it.🎭 U'myrra's aether is the color of fiery gold, however, if one were to look closely at it, they would see a hint of smoldering blue intertwined. Ask her about it perhaps?💀 U'myrra is fascinated by funeral rites (her mother did name her after Myrrh after all) and takes the time to study different cultures traditions, volunteering her time with a group called the Order of Saint Zozonan, helping provide funerals to families who can't afford such luxuries. The Order is always looking for donations, need it be materials or gil.🪄 U'myrra is a skilled Thaumaturge, though she struggles with controlling Astral Ice, she has taken up the study of Red Magic to try and help balance herself, willing and eager for others to help teach her.🃏 A girl needs money, and sometimes, that money comes from working as a Magician at the Gold Saucer. She doesn't want to talk about it.


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Galen Kisne

Sifrid Wolfsbane

Tsimh'to Nbolo

Tsimh Nbolo

Keisuke Okumura

Astrelle Cicoux

U'raiza Nbolo Odh-Ndai


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I'm happy to RP most topics, including violence and darker topics, however, I am happily taken and am not interested in any ERP.
U'myrra is a very young, naive, fresh adventurer, I don't do any RPs with WOLs or any other overtly powerful characters without some boundaries established first.
I'm very open to RPing with others and down for walkups, so if you see me with my RP tag on, feel free to WU/T me!